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Ближайшие вебинары по печатным платам

Фото автора: Александр АкулинАлександр Акулин

В ближайшие дни пройдут два интересных англоязычных вебинара для разработчиков печатных плат. Ниже - описание и ссылки на регистрацию.

1. HDI Class with Sierra Circuits, Вторник, 25 июня 2019, 20:30 Мск.

This webinar will introduce the high-density interconnect technology, its advantages, and cost factor. 


• What is High-Density Interconnect (HDI)?

• Benefits of opting for HDI PCBs rather than traditional PCBs • Signal integrity discipline • Technology adapted for HDI • Advantages & application of microvia technology • Aspect ratio of laser-drilled microvias • Cost factor • BGA fanout • Standard build-ups • High tech HDI PCBs showcase

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2. Practical Aspects of Signal Integrity - Part 2, Вторник, 25 июня 2019, 21:00 Мск.

In part one of webinar on "Practical Aspects of Signal Integrity", Tom Cassidy provided the basic design concepts to consider when laying out a board for high speed signals to ensure the signal’s integrity.  If you missed it, we encourage you to watch the recording of this webinar.  The concepts presented build upon each other.

Ссылка на скачивание 1й части семинара:

In part two, Tom will be presenting on several design use cases, including:

  • Reference Planes

  • Stripline vs. Microstrip

  • Differential Pairs

  • Termination

  • Crosstalk

  • Fly-by vs. T-Branch

  • Complete DDR3 layout

Although this webinar will be using a board designed in Altium Designer and analyzed in Cadence Sigrity, the concepts are applicable to any tier-one analysis tool.

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